Sunday, April 21, 2013

M is for Miami

Love and Honor Trailer

Fight Song


  1. New follower here. I'm stopping by from the "A to Z" challenge and I look forward to visiting again.


  2. Yesterday, I was talking to a dad whose son was considering Miami University for next year.

    1. It's one of those schools around here that's thought of as the preppy state school that so many from each high school apply, but when you look at how it's rated on a national basis it's very impressive.

  3. I grew up in Columbus, OH,raised my family there and my son did a college visit at Miami. It is gorgeous. He had many friends that went there,and so did I. I chose The Ohio State University (our football games are AWESOME lol)
    Anyway, my friends loved Miami University and so did his, it is a great OHIO school and like you, I highly recommend it (of course after The Ohio State University.) Oh,and neither of my children went to OSU,what can I say, they have minds of their own,silly kids LOL.

    Lucy from Lucy's Reality

  4. Great to hear from another Ohioan!
    Of course, I have to point out what I learned in Miami History that it is THE Ohio State University, THE Miami University, and for example, THE Kent State University, as all schools chartered by the Ohio General Assembly have "the" in their name.
    Don't all kids?
