Friday, December 7, 2012

Countdown to Christmas

Next step in getting ready for Christmas.
How are you doing on your Christmas gifts?
I thought I was doing well.  Then I started placing items on my spreadsheet.  I have some holes.  Yes, I am the nerd who has a spreadsheet to track everything.  It helps because I buy things through out the year.
Now after lunch…. (Okay so that was Thursday)
There’s a restaurant in the building across the street that I go to fairly often.  I went there today.  Today they had a group of local artists that make glass beads and create jewelry.  I pretty much took care of three gifts.
I still have to wrap my St. Nicholas presents.  I know we should have opened the presents yesterday, but I didn’t get a chance to wrap them and my parents never remember what day he comes.  So I didn’t point it out.  And okay, I probably did have time, but something happened…..
I took time to just snuggle in a blanket and watch Hulu.  YouTube suggested I watch a clip from Castle.  Well, it has Joey Buchanon in it for those others who used to watch One Life to Live.  It amused me, so I went to Hulu and watched the past several episodes.  Do you ever do that – know that you need to do something, flake, but realize you needed the downtime?  I think we all need it from time to time.


  1. I remember the days when I used a spreadsheet for Christmas gifts! Now, only one gift, for the one child in the family. So much simpler!
    Yep, we all need a day to just "flake" once in a while. Glad you had one.

  2. There's no kids but there's 5 friends, my aunt, my parents, and then what the dog is giving as presents.....for St. Nicholas and Christmas.
