Here I am enjoying my airconditioning vent on Sunday. Mom took this picture. She likes to take pictures of me. I like to have my picture taken. I know I am sooo handsome. It comes with being a Snowborn. We are the sweetest, cutest huskies around. I sound arrogant, don't I? But not really, I just know who I am. My parents were ch-am-pi-ons, or at least that's what Mom tells me all the time.
She picked me out when I was four weeks old. I was living with my Mom and sisters in this house full of doggies. I was the only boy in the litter, and boy did I love bossing all those girls around. One day, these lady and her parents and this doggie came to play with us. I grabbed the lady's shoestrings to play with, and she thought I was adorable. Here's a picture of me then

I tried to shake hands with the doggie but she dove under the coffee table! How could she be scared of me? But hey, I had attitude then. Ever seen that movie Lion King where Simba sings "I just can't wait to be King"? That was so me.
Four weeks later, the man who lived in the house with the doggies took me and some others to a dog show. The lady and her parents came again. This time they took me home with them! I liked my new grandpa, even though he didn't think they needed another dog. The doggie was named Panda, and she was now my sister. She told me how she used to live with Dandy, who was her uncle and that we were all related somehow. Dandy was an awesome uncle who showed her how to behave. Evidently, I needed a lot of help. I still think it's fun to splash my feet in the water bowl no matter what she said, "EEWWW, my water tastes like feet!" She was a sweet sister, but after two years she went to live with Dandy over the rainbow bridge.
A little while later, my grandparents brought home Koti. They said we're brothers because both of us have Glory as a Mom. There are so many stories I could tell you. Maybe Mom will let me have the blog again to tell you more. I'll just leave you with a picture of the two of us.
Awww sweet! I love your day Blitzen! Please come back and tell us more! ☺